Archive for October, 2012

advantages and disadvantages of touch screen

touch screen technology is geting more and more popular by the day, and more and more people are buying them. but what are the advantages and disadvantages of them?


  • big screen is good for browsing, pictures and movies
  • no need for a keyboard or mouse


  • it must have a large screen so you don’t miss what your trying to touch with your fingers
  • big screen leads to low battery life
  • can’t be read well in direct sunlight because the screen is not 100% transparent
  • normally doesn’t have additional keys so if an app crashes the screen becomes unresponsive so you can’t go the main menu
  • screen gets very dirty
  • low precision on the QWERTY keys on the virtual keyboard
  • these devises need high power computing systems so it can be very slow

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advantages and disadvantages of sharing online

what is online sharing:

online sharing is when you share something online, on things such as the internet. these could be pictures, status updates and videos.


  • fast
  • easy
  • free
  • it helps you store documents
  • many people can review it at the same time
  • you can get feedback
  • it won’t get lost
  • you can access it anywhere you want ( as long as you have internet )


  • you need the internet connection
  • people can steal private stuff and can share it to anyone
  • sometimes things might go to far just like it did with amanda todd.

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why is the speed of broadband is important for the development of technology for organisations and individuals

people use the internet all the time these days and it is important to keep it fast so people can do things on the internet fast and efficiently.


the broadband is a key part of organisations because they need it all the time. they use it for:

  • marketing and advertising – the internet has become a very important part of businesses. businesses advertise their company to get more customers, as well as marketing on the internet, allot of businesses have online websites and stores so you could go on it and check prices buy online, etc.
  • communicating and interacting – organisations use email instead of telephones because it is cheaper and more sensible because you would be wondering why the hell did you have a call from a company asking you random stuff, however you wouldn’t mind them sending you emails advertising and other stuff. telephones are used for something important like if if you’ve missed an appointment or its close to it.
  • Information gathering- the internet has become very useful for researches for businesses in nearly every industry. the internet is up to date but text books or other books from libraries may not be up to date information
  • and for emplying workers – now days organisations employ allot of workers online, one example is ‘


the internet is important to individuals for things like socail stuff, homework reaserch, course work, revision for tests, etc

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There are two types of collecting data. primary data and secondary data. the data colleted is important to the company because the company will use this data to adapted their company to suit the customers and keep them happy

primary data:

primary data is when you go and collect data yourself, there are various techniques of doing this, the important or the ones that i found out are:

  • observation
  • interviewing
  • mail survey
  • experimentation
  • simulation
  • projective technique

secondary data:

secondary data are data that already exist, these could be data could be from a book or from the internet, but it may not be reliable.



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